A mapping tool designed to enable councils to identify sites at risk from natural disaster has been released by the Queensland Government.
Developed by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority, the Repeat Events and Dollars Index (REDI) is an interactive web-based mapping tool that identifies infrastructure which is particularly vulnerable to damage from natural disaster events.
Incorporating almost 10 years of geocoded damage data across approximately 600,000 locations, the REDI application recognises more than 20,000 assets in Queensland’s 77 local government areas.
The Treasurer and Minister responsible for the QRA, Cameron Dick, said the app will give councils a clearer picture of where money should be spent to strengthen resilience and maximise recovery.
Visit the QRA webpage for more details.
In other Queensland news, the State Government is examining Development Assessment Rules (DA Rules), Minister’s Guidelines and Rules (MGR) and the Planning Regulation 2017 with a view to simplifying processes to enable economic recovery from Covid-19 restrictions.
A virtual town hall meeting to canvass the initiatives is being held on 14 July, and submissions can be made up until 7 August. Click for more details.