Local government projects honouring the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service personnel may be eligible for federal government grants.
The Saluting Their Service (STS) Commemorative Grants Program offers funding to assist local communities planning commemorative projects, with $3.5 million earmarked for distribution in the 2021-22 financial year.
The types of eligible projects can include:
- updating or restoring your local memorial;
- commissioning an honour board to recognise local service personnel;
- conducting an exhibition of military memorabilia or other unique military-related items; or
- involving local school students in an educational project.
Applications for projects and activities that relate to all wars, conflicts and peace operations Australian service personnel have been involved in are eligible for funding.
Two categories of grants are available:
- Community Grants of up to $10,000 for local, community-based projects and activities; and
- Major Grants of between $10,001 and $150,000 for major commemorative projects that are significant from a national, state, territory, or regional perspective.
In 2021-22, a total pool of $3.5 million is available for grants for projects all around the country.
The current batch of applications closes on 8 February 2022. For more information, visit the Community Grants Hub or GrantConnect.