A review of developer contributions in NSW, headed by Productivity Commissioner Peter Achterstraat, has been announced by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Rob Stokes.
The performance of existing arrangements will be examined and recommendations made for reform based around transparency, efficiency, certainty, and fairness.
Infrastructure contributions are made by developers to help deliver the infrastructure needed as communities accommodate growth. They can be made in the form of money, land dedicated free of cost, as works-in-kind by agreement from both parties, or as a combination of these.
Mr Achterstraat will consult with councils, NSW government agencies, industry, and communities in carrying out the review.
Local Government NSW (LGNSW) President Linda Scott has welcomed the review, saying it will help the state’s recovery from coronavirus.
“Communities know there’s a shortage of good quality public infrastructure in NSW, and tough decisions must be made about how to fund our parks, libraries, sporting fields and footpaths into the future,” she said.
For the review’s terms of reference click here.
A report on managing development contributions in Victoria was published recently by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO).