I’m excited to announce that I’ll be representing Australia’s 537 councils – and the 190,000 Australians they employ – at the Government’s Jobs and Skills Summit at Parliament House next week.
If you have a story or information you would like us to share at this event please let us know.
Right across our nation councils are facing serious jobs and skills shortages, and I look forward to discussing the issues and how local government can be a part of the solution.
One of the biggest challenges for councils in attracting and retaining skilled staff is the lack and uncertainty of long-term funding.
ALGA will continue to advocate for Financial Assistance Grants to be restored to at least one percent of Commonwealth taxation revenue, which will help councils invest in vital workforce planning and development.
It was encouraging to see Nationals Leader David Littleproud throw his support behind Constitutional recognition of local government last week.
As a level of government that represents all Australians, and makes a meaningful contribution to our federation, local government absolutely should be recognised in our Constitution.
ALGA supports the Government’s approach of prioritising a referendum on an Indigenous voice to parliament, and we look forward to working with the Government and Parliament to progress this issue at a later date.
Finally, I can’t wait to welcome delegates to this year’s National Local Roads and Transport Congress in Hobart from 2-3 November.
We’re putting together a fantastic program for this event, which will focus on opportunities for local governments to improve safety on our local roads, build more sustainable infrastructure, and boost productivity.
Early bird registrations are now open, and I hope to see you there!
Cr Linda Scott,
ALGA President