Record crowd expected for 2023 NGA in Canberra

ALGA is looking forward to welcoming a record crowd of local government leaders, delegates and elected representatives for this year’s ALGA Annual Conference in Canberra from 13-16 June – the 29th National General Assembly (NGA).

There are around 450 delegates registered for the 2023 Regional Forum on Tuesday 13 June and more than 1000 people for the NGA at the National Convention Centre – making it the largest event in ALGA’s history!

Based on the NGA theme “Our Communities, Our Future”, delegates will discuss how Australia’s 537 local governments can best partner with the Federal Government to deliver a better future for our communities.

As part of the program, there will be a wide range of guest speakers including Infrastructure and Local Government Minister Catherine King as well as Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.  There will also be an opportunity to discuss council motions, which will help to shape and inform ALGA’s future policy and advocacy platforms.

In a major advocacy win for local government, ALGA is delighted to partner with the Government this year on the historic return of the Australian Council of Local Government (ACLG).  The Government recently released the agenda for this event, featuring panel sessions and speaking appearance from key Federal Ministers.

Returning for the first time in a decade, the ACLG will allow mayors to join the Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers and Government to meet and create better ways to work together. The ACLG will follow and be informed by discussions at this year’s NGA.

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