Local Councils in NSW, Queensland, WA, and SA have been granted a share of $9 million in Commonwealth funding to upgrade remote airstrips.
Eligible projects in Round 7 of the Remote Airstrip Upgrade Program included runway surface upgrades, stormwater drainage, runway lighting and animal-proof fencing.
In other funding news, two community projects in the McKinlay and Richmond shires in North Queensland have been approved for funding under the Federal Government’s Drought Communities Program Extension.
The next round of funding is due for release later in 2020.
Elsewhere, applications for grants under Round Seven of the $150 million Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program (HVSPP) are being accepted, with project eligibility widened to include:
• Livestock transport industry proposals (provided such a facility is in a drought declared area and associated with a public road);
• Livestock vehicle effluent collection and treatment facilities (provided such a facility is associated with a road and access is similar to that of a traditional rest area); and
• Projects on the National Land Transport Network (previously excluded).
The Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association says Australia needs more livestock effluent disposal facilities that can be used by heavy vehicles – and that regional councils reliant on the livestock industry would benefit from applying for HVSPP funding to build facilities.