A new grant program to allow regional multi-purpose residential aged care providers to carry out minor capital works has opened.
The federal government program will disburse $40 million over two years to reinforce multi-purpose services (MPS) and follows recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
Australia has 179 MPS in outer regional and remote areas, in all states, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island, providing health and aged care services and offer 3688 flexible aged places in either residential aged care or home care settings.
Senior Australians and Aged Care Services Minister Richard Colbeck said the minor works grants will support MPS providers to provide better services to senior Australians with dementia to remain in their communities, offer a more home-like and comfortable environment, or upgrade their service to allow the delivery of higher intensity care to people with more complex care needs.
Under the co-contribution model, providers will be requiered to make a cash or in-kind contribution towards each project.
Applications for the MPS minor capital works grant round must be received on or before 11 August 2021.