Two short surveys on biodiversity conservation planning processes and threat abatement planning in the states and territories have opened.
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwth) requires consultation with states and territories in the review of the decision about the adoption of a Threat Abatement Plan.
Currently, there is no plan in place in respect of “loss of climatic habitat caused by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases” and no plan in place in respect of “land clearance”.
Questions about the surveys, which are being conducted by Cumulus Consulting on behalf of the Commonwealth government, should be directed to Dr Lee Godden (0403 623 800) or Dr Elizabeth Macpherson at
Both the Land clearance survey and the Loss of climatic habitat caused by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases survey close on 24 May.
Survey responses will be aggregated and will remain confidential unless express permission is given for the information to be released.