Councils across Victoria, Tasmania and the Northern Territory will get $44.7 million under the Commonwealth’s Black Spot program to help fix 122 dangerous crash sites.
Victorian councils will receive $38.7 million under the program’s 2020-21 funding round to fix 92 accident black spots where nine fatal crashes have occurred over the past five years. In that time, a further 521 crashes resulted in injuries.
Click here for a list of funded projects.
Tasmanian councils – including Hobart, Launceston, Devonport, Derwent, Glamorgan, Glenorchy, Kentish, Latrobe, Meander Valley, Break O’Day, Sorrel, George Town, Southern Midlands, Northern Midlands, Tasman, and Circular Head – will receive $3.5 million to fix 24 black spots.
The projects being funded under the program’s 2020-21 funding round have seen 47 crashes over the past five years, resulting in one fatality and multiple injuries.
Those Tasmanian councils will contribute a further $1.7 million to the successful projects.
To see a list of the Tasmanian black spot projects, click here.
In the NT, six black spots will be substantially improved over next 12 months with $2.5 million from the 2020-21 funding round.
NT councils, including Darwin, Timber Creek, Litchfield, Roper River, and Wagait, will receive $2.5 million under the program – with the Litchfield council contributing a further $62,000 to a project at McMinns Lagoon.
To see the list of NT projects click here.