Communities in Western Australias’s Mid-West, Gascoyne and Wheatbelt regions are getting help to enable them to recover from severe flooding in early March.
The financial assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) and will help the local governments of Dandaragan, Greater Geraldton, Menzies, Mount Marshall, Northam, and Victoria Plains clear fallen trees from roads and restore damaged road infrastructure.
The flooding experienced was the worst seen in the region for nearly 10 years, with some areas receiving more than 80mm of rain in less than 30 minutes.
The resulting flash flooding caused widespread damage.
Information on disaster assistance is available on the Federal Government’s Disaster Assist website.
The WA Local Government Association also announced that cyclone-impacted communities will receive a share of $1 million in payments advanced from its LGIS self-insurance scheme.
The Shires of Northampton, Perenjori, and Mingenew will be the first local governments to receive the advance LGIS payments with the potential for more to be included as required.