

Legalwise Seminars presents the Governance for Local Councils: Meeting Today's Challenges seminar to be held on Wednesday 25 November in Melbourne.

Increased compliance demands on local councils paired with capped resources to achieve compliance means that in-house legal counsel and officers in charge of compliance, governance and risk management at the local government level are under increased pressure to achieve more with less. This seminar tackles critical developments and trends for local councils to help meet these challenges.

Date: Wednesday 25 November 2015
Venue: InterContinental Melbourne, The Rialto, 495 Collins Street
CPD hours: 4 CPD Units in Substantive Law 

Earn up to 4 CPD Units, and become informed in topics including:

  • Rate Capping and the Local Government Act: The Latest Developments for Local Councils
  • Administrative Law for Councils: The High Court Decision of Isbester v Knox City Council
  • The Road Management Act 2004: The Next Round of Reforms?
  • Flooding Risk and Legal Liability for Councils

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