President’s Update

  • Value Capture on the move
  • Disability Inclusion Planning

This week the Government has released a discussion paper on value capture for comment. The paper outlines a number of opportunities and challenges that the Government is considering in its contemplation of value capture as a complementary infrastructure funding approach and a land planning tool.

This is an interesting concept and ALGA is keen to work with the Government to fully explore the issue. As we know, all major transport infrastructure projects, particularly major road projects, have a local dimension and so it will be critical that the voice of local government is given its due weight in this discussion about infrastructure funding. You can expect we will seek to ensure that any infrastructure funding mechanisms are equitable and do not shift the burden onto local councils and their communities, or unreasonably obstruct orderly economic development.

Submissions for the discussion paper are due in February next year, so over the next few months ALGA will be getting in touch with state and territory local government associations and seeking their input into this topic. Please ensure they receive your input.

This week also saw the launch of ALGA’s disability guide for councils: Disability Inclusion Planning – A Guide for Local Government. ALGA Vice President, Mayor Doug Chipman, was joined by the Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services, the Hon Jane Prentice MP, and the Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Cr Graham Quirk, to launch the document in Brisbane.

This publication is a great step forward for local government and highlights the key role that councils play in working towards an inclusive society. As a major provider of goods, services and facilities, local government has a major contribution to make in enabling people with disability to participate equally in their communities.

This guide puts all the relevant legislative and policy information on disability inclusion into one document – essentially a one-stop-shop – for councils.

When was the last time you reviewed your policy framework through a disability inclusion lens? This online resource includes practical tools, case studies, checklists, and toolkits which provide practical advice to councils to help consider the wide range of interfaces disabled people have with our services, buildings and public realm.

I urge all councils to develop or update their Disability Access and Inclusion Plans and related policies using the guide, which they can download on the ALGA website.


Mayor David O’Loughlin

 ALGA President