
In 2016 survey of Information Technology (IT) in local councils less than 40% of business representatives reported that IT made a positive impact on operational outcomes of their councils. Reasons vary, but the story is the same – IT teams develop strategies, deliver projects and do a lot of improvements, but benefits are not as great as originally expected.

Conventional approaches to monitoring IT progress make the issue worse as they reinforce narrow objectives and narrow vision. 'Blind spots' conceal the early stages of benefits erosion.

To lead to a greater impact, subscribe to the 2017 ICT SCAN. This annual assessment of ICT is based on industry trends and peer comparisons and serves as a touchstone to show if the intended results of ICT effort hit the mark.

There is too much at risk hinges on ICT. Contact or +61 2 9879 7115 to receive sample ICT SCAN dashboard.