ALGA statement on National General Assembly resolutions following Board meeting

The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) Board met today to consider resolutions passed during the National General Assembly of Local Government in June 2017, including the resolution calling on Australian councils to consider efforts they could take to lobby the federal government to change the date of recognition of Australia Day.

The Board has reviewed the Australia Day resolution and agreed that this matter should be worked through between councils and their communities.

ALGA President, Mayor David O’Loughlin, said that decisions such as these should start with a conversation at the local level, in consultation with the local community, and then be fed up to the federal government through local members.

“The resolution from Hobart City Council simply asks that councils consider actions they might take to lobby the federal government on changing the date,” he said.

“While Hobart City Council has started a conversation on the issue, it realises that it will be up to individual councils to consider their positions and how they wish to consult their communities.

“Ultimately, of course it is up to the federal government to deliberate over the date of Australia Day but such a decision would have to be based on broad community consultation and support.”

The ALGA Board also considered, and supported, a resolution from Whitehorse City Council in VIC calling on the federal government to allocate funds to assist local government to build and maintain ‘female-friendly’ sporting facilities and amenities.

“Well-located, well-designed and properly-maintained community infrastructure enhances the quality of life and enriches the experience of residents every day,” Mayor O’Loughlin said.

“We support opportunities to remove barriers and assist all citizens to participate in council activities and use council facilities.

“ALGA continues to call on the government to commit to a Local Government Community Infrastructure Program of $300 million per annum for four years that would ensure communities' most important infrastructure can continue to underpin community wellbeing and community resilience.”

These resolutions were among more than 100 considered by the ALGA Board today.


Media enquiries:

Sharon Akinyi, Director Public Affairs, Australian Local Government Association (ALGA):