New deal for Western Sydney

Eight Local Governments from western Sydney joined the Federal and NSW Governments last Sunday in signing the Western Sydney Deal.

The 20-year deal aims to transform Sydney’s outer west – creating the "Western Parkland City" and building on investment in the new airport at Badgerys Creek, The Western Sydney Airport, which is set to open in 2026.

Liverpool Mayor Wendy Waller said the deal was a huge win for the people of Liverpool.

"This is the start of a new era in Western Sydney with Federal and State governments realising they need to step up and deliver for the people of the West," Mayor Waller said.

Camden mayor Lara Symkowiak said residents could look forward to huge economic development through job creation closer to home. "Creating more jobs for our region is the biggest benefit this deal will deliver," she said.

Liverpool, Campbelltown, Camden, Penrith, Wollondilly, Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and Fairfield councils are involved in the deal. Mayors from the councils joined the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities Paul Fletcher and NSW Minister for Western Sydney Stuart Ayres to launch the deal.

The deal includes the delivery of an Aerotropolis at Badgerys Creek, a manufacturing, research, medical, education and commercial hub. New education facilities will be established around the airport to train the workers needed for the high-tech sectors to be established at the Aerotropolis.

The main feature is a north-south rail link from St Marys to Badgerys Creek Aerotropolis via Western Sydney Airport. The Federal and State Governments will each pay half the cost of the rail link.

There will also be a $150 million program to deliver community facilities; a new planning regime to cut development costs and boost housing supply and a plan to embed digital technology in the city.

The NSW Government will also establish an “Investment Attraction Office” in Liverpool to attract investment to the Western Parkland City and the Badgerys Creek Aerotropolis.

The councils will provide $30 million and the NSW and Federal Government $60 each towards a Western Parkland City Liveability Program to deliver community facilities and amenities.

The Western Sydney City Deal delivers key elements of the Australian Government's Smart Cities Plan, the Greater Sydney Commission's Western City District Plan and the NSW Government's Future Transport 2056 strategy.