President’s column

Will your voice be heard?

This year’s NGA, set to convene next month in Canberra (17-20 June), is shaping up to be a showdown between the political parties in the lead up to the next federal election.

As there is a strong possibility of the federal election being called later this year or early next, we all need to be ready to speak up on behalf of our communities and this NGA will be the perfect opportunity for you to contribute and to join forces with many to lobby for our communities' needs.

This event is Australia’s largest and most influential gathering of local government councillors, mayors, chairs, presidents and officials – attracting in excess of 800 delegates each year.

We received excellent feedback about last year's NGA and the ALGA team has worked hard to make this year’s even better. The agenda is terrific with multiple opportunities to hear from inspirational speakers to deepen our knowledge on important topics, and to hear from Australia's leading politicians.

As well as an extensive program, a significant number of motions will be put to the Assembly which I anticipate will generate lively, vigorous and constructive debate. And thanks to the introduction of keypad voting machines – a first for the NGA – there’ll be less time wasted on procedural matters and more time available for the things that matter: ideas, discussion, persuasion and outcomes.

All of the motions that are supported at the NGA are submitted to your ALGA Board for consideration and, ultimately, to advance the cause of local government and the communities we seek to serve.

If your council has not yet registered to send any delegates to the NGA, I’m aware that you may need to facilitate this via a decision of the council this month. I urge you to do so and to get your registration through as soon as you can at this link.

Join us to meet new colleagues, listen to experts, participate in discussions and learn from the very best we’ve gathered on your behalf at this year’s NGA.

I look forward to seeing you there.


Mayor David O’Loughlin

 ALGA President