The Australia-New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee’s (ANZCTC) Crowded Places Advisory Group developed Australia’s Strategy for Protecting Crowded Places from Terrorism in consultation with states and territories, local governments, law enforcement agencies and private sector representatives through the Business Advisory Group.
This strategy is designed to help owners and operators make crowded places across Australia more resilient to terrorism and the ANZCTC continues to implement the strategy with relevant stakeholders.
On 5 October 2017 at the Special Counter-Terrorism Council of Australian Governments meeting, First Ministers agreed that the ANZCTC should initiate an independent review of the implementation of the strategy after 12 months. As part of this review, a short survey (consisting of ten multiple choice questions) has been created for local councils.
All councils are encouraged to take a few minutes to complete this survey to ensure the independent reviewers can make informed recommendations.
Take the survey at this link: