Unfortunately the 2020 National General Assembly (NGA) will not go ahead in June 2020.
The ALGA Board has made this difficult decision in light of the Government’s decision to ban non-essential gatherings of more than 100 people at indoor venues as part of its efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus. The Prime Minister has signalled that the ban may well be in place for up to six months and the National General Assembly was to be held indoors at the National Convention Centre in Canberra in June and was expected to attract around 900 delegates.
With a number of events being cancelled across the sector, ALGA will be looking at options to broaden the agenda of the 2020 Local Roads and Transport Congress to be held on 16-18 November in Hobart. The Congress will provide an opportunity for the sector to come together at a national level and the chance to consider issues of general concern to councils will be welcomed by ALGA. Delegate registration fees that have been paid to attend the NGA will be refunded, transferred to 2021 NGA or can be utilised to attend the Hobart conference.
Motions are still being accepted and close for submission on Friday 27th March. With debate unable to take place, the ALGA Board will consider motions at the June Board meeting and provide advice on actions that can be taken to further any policy or advocacy positions.
Our thoughts are with all communities in this time of crisis. Tackling coronavirus means sacrifices to reduce the risk of the virus spreading and to keep vulnerable people safe.