Bushfire-affected Victorian communities can now apply for a further $15 million in state and Commonwealth funding to help with their recovery efforts.
Under the second round of the Local Economic Recovery (LER) grants program, $14.6 million is being made available for grants of up to $2 million to fund projects that support local economic recovery and build community pride and connectedness.
The $68.6 million LER program is jointly funded by the Australian and Victorian governments, and both are encouraging applications from local government, not-for-profits, and private businesses.
Organisations wanting to apply should complete the online Registration of Interest through the Bushfire Recovery Victoria website.
This will connect them with Bushfire Recovery Victoria staff to discuss their proposal before they apply.
Applicants must also discuss their proposal with their local Community Recovery Committee at least two weeks before submitting their application and provide evidence of support for their project.
Applications close on 12 April, and applicants may submit proposals for more than one project.
For more information about the funding streams that may be available for your project, contact Bushfire Recovery Victoria on 1800 560 760 or via email at connect@brv.vic.gov.au