Applications have opened for Round 2 of the National Flood Mitigation Infrastructure Program, with a $50 million set aside for priority projects.
These include levees, levee systems, infrastructure to promote flood plain restoration, and specific green infrastructure initiatives that mitigate flood risk.
The program, which is administered by the National Recovery and Resilience Agency (NRRA) is intended to support local communities to better withstand severe flood events and align with the objectives of the Emergency Response Fund (ERF) which was set up in 2019.
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) and local governments across the nation welcomed the Government’s decision in 2019 to establish the ERF to fund emergency response and recovery following natural disasters in Australia that have a significant or catastrophic impact.
The $4 billion invested in the fund allows for $150 million to be drawn each financial year.
Following continued advocacy by ALGA and others on the need for mitigation funding, an agreement was reached in October 2019 by Labor and the Coalition to lift the Commonwealth’s proposed Emergency Response Fund to $200 million a year from $150 million.
The $50 million extra funding (per annum) would be dedicated to mitigation.
The largest single project supported under Round 1 of program, the Katherine Flood Levy Project, has moved a step closer to commencement, with the federal and NT governments last week agreeing on a formal funding agreement.
The project to construct 3km of new levees along the eastern side of South Katherine, will receive $9.4 million in federal funds, with the NT government contributing the balance of the $10 million costs.
In all, 22 projects across all states and territories have been supported with Round 1 funding.
Applications for Round 2 funding, which are open to states and territories, close on 4 February. Click here to view the guidelines and application form.