Industry forums that support transformative technologies will be in the spotlight at next month’s IPWEA International Public Works Conference in Adelaide.
The event, Australasia’s largest infrastructure asset management conference, will include panel discussions on deploying asset tracking, smart lighting, and smart parking systems.
Marcos Arizti, whose asset tracking technology start-up was funded by the EU’s premier research and innovation funding program, will deliver one of the keynote addresses.
Organisations can increase their revenue with good asset tracking because they can use the information (such as where their containers are, how long they spend in spots, and where they are being transported) to drive higher efficiencies, Mr Arizti says.
“In the future, you need to have traceability over what’s happening. You need to be able to designate specific trucks to specific routes and minimise your CO2 footprint,” he says.
“All these things are what authorities and regulators are interested in.”
Mr Arizti will tell delegates that one of the best ways to spread this message is through engagement with industry associations (like IPWEA) that provide impartial information about industry-transforming technologies and trends.
IPWEA will also launch its first micro-credential in asset tracking and monitoring at the conference in Adelaide from 1-5 May.
For more information and to register, visit
In related news, IPWEA has launched a white paper on best-practice asset management of essential public infrastructure.
It has also called on levels of government to commit to educational programs to ensure communities get full value from their infrastructure.