Round 5A of the Mobile Black Spot Program is now open as the Federal Government looks to improve coverage along major transport corridors and in disaster-prone areas.
Announcing the round on Wednesday, Federal Minister for Regional Health, Regional Communications and Local Government Mark Coulton said: “We want to support new ways of delivering mobile services to locations that have traditionally been less economic for mobile network operators, as well as giving consumers a greater choice of providers to increase competition.”
“This round will also have a specific focus on improving mobile coverage along major transport corridors and in disaster-prone regions.”
Round 5A follows the Government’s pledge in April this year to conduct an interim round to test a range of new design options for the Mobile Black Spot Program.
The Commonwealth contribution of up to $34.5 million for this round will be drawn from unused funding from Round 5.
Outcomes from Round 5A will help to inform the design of Round 6 of the program, funding for which was committed in the 2019-20 Budget.
Mobile network operators and infrastructure providers are encouraged to register their interest in Round 5A by 5pm (AEDT), Tuesday 16 December 2020. Click here for more information.