Motions that are carried at the National General Assembly become resolutions. These Resolutions are referred to the ALGA Board to inform future policy initiatives and for consideration in the development of future work programs.
A copy of the Resolutions can be downloaded here.
ALGA wrote to a number of Federal Ministers conveying to them the Resolutions that relate to their policy portfolios. The responses to the Resolutions that ALGA has received are below.
- Minister for Communications, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP
- Minister for Agriculture, the Hon Barnaby Joyce MP
- Minister for Social Services, the Hon Kevin Andrews MP
- Minister for Justice, the Hon Michael Keenan MP
- The Hon Warren Truss MP
- The Hon Anthony Albanese MP
- Senator Barnaby Joyce
- Darrin Grimsey
- Will Steffen
- John Comrie
- George Williams
- Digby Nancarrow
- ALGA President, Mayor Felicity-ann Lewis – Opening Speech
- ALGA President, Mayor Felicity-ann Lewis – A Vision Realised
- Geraldine Doogue
Posted 3 May, 2018