• DECLARATION AND MOTION The Local Government Constitutional Summit – A Special National General Assembly was held from 8 – 11 December 2008 in Melbourne. The purpose of the Summit was to discuss and reach a local government position on the constitutional recognition of local government. Delegates at the Summit voted unanimously on the final Declaration+

  • 21-24 JUNE 2009 NATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE, CANBERRA The Handbook can be downloaded – click here. Resolutions of the 2009 National General Assembly of Local Government can be found here. RESPONSES RECEIVED TO 2009 RESOLUTIONS Letter from the Minister for Climate Change, the Hon Penny Wong MP (Resolution 1, 4) Response Letter from the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional+

  • NGA 2010 HANDBOOK Handbook SPEECHES AND PRESENTATIONS Kerry O’Brien Anthony Albanese George Williams Andrew Robb on behalf of Opposition leader Tony Abbott Bill Shorten Robert Ray Warren Truss Duncan Bremner RESOLUTIONS  2010 Resolutions – full document Responses received to 2010 Resolutions Letter from the Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, Senator the Hon Kate Lundy (Resolution 3) Response+

  • NGA 2011 HANDBOOK Handbook Speeches from the 2011 National General Assembly Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government, the Hon Simon Crean MP Shadow Minister for Local Government, Senator Barnaby Joyce Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy Media Release Presentations by speakers at the 2011 National General Assembly Duncan+

  • NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY National General Assembly (NGA) brings together hundreds of delegates from councils across Australia to debate issues of national significance to local government. It provides an opportunity for local councils to develop and express a united voice on core issues affecting their communities with access to influential decision-makers of the federal government, at+

  • RESOLUTIONS Motions that are carried at the National General Assembly become resolutions. These Resolutions are referred to the ALGA Board to inform future policy initiatives and for consideration in the development of future work programs. A copy of the Resolutions can be downloaded here. ALGA wrote to a number of Federal Ministers conveying to them the+

  • Motions that are carried at the National General Assembly become resolutions. These Resolutions are referred to the ALGA Board to inform future policy initiatives and for consideration in the development of future work programs. A copy of the Resolutions can be downloaded here. The Hon Andrew Robb MP The Hon Barnaby Joyce MP The Department of+

  • 2015 NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY DRAWS TO A CLOSE The Board and Secretariat of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) thank all delegates and their partners for being in Canberra from 14-17 June 2015 for the 21st National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA). It was a strong program that reflected the diverse role of local+

  • 2016 NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY DRAWS TO A CLOSE The Board and Secretariat of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) thank all delegates and their partners for being in Canberra from 19 – 22 June 2016 for the 22nd National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA). The outcomes of debate on motions will provide strong support+

  • ATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY (NGA) OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT 18-21 JUNE 2017 NATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE, CANBERRA This year’s National General Assembly (NGA) of Local Government was held from 18 – 21 June at the National Convention Centre, Canberra. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions from the NGA can be accessed here. SPEAKER PRESENTATIONS Presentations from the NGA can be found here: Mayor+