Tens of thousands of Australians took to the streets in March as part of the #March4Justice events that called for an end to gendered violence.
Patty Kinnersly, CEO of Our Watch, a national leader in the prevention of violence against women, said nationwide cultural and systemic change is needed to accelerate Australia towards a gender-equal future in order to stop violence against women before it starts.
“For example, improving women’s engagement in governance and all levels of decision-making, and setting cultures of equality and respect within our governments, workplaces, and institutions.
“Local governments have an essential role to play in preventing violence against women, through governance, leadership, policy, municipal planning, community partnerships and service delivery.
“Australians look to our elected officials to set standards for the broader community, so how governments listen, respect and respond to concerns being raised by women from all communities across the country is crucial,” she said.
For more information and support to prevent violence against women in your council and community, visit the Prevention Toolkit for Local Government.