Councils want to digitally transform to improve customer satisfaction and employee productivity but lack the wherewithal, a new survey suggests.
Commissioned by Local Government Professionals Australia (LGPro) and software provider Technology One, the survey found over 80 percent of respondents rated digital transformation as a high priority.
However, 56 percent reported that they did not have adequate resources to follow through, and 53 percent said they lack the budget required to implement strategies.
Another key finding from the 2021 Local Government Digital Transformation Index is that a lack of resources may be leaving councils vulnerable to cyber-attack.
Nearly 40 percent of councils reported that they do not have an enterprise risk management strategy that includes cybersecurity controls, and 28 percent have no dedicated resources in place to manage cybersecurity at all.
The report, which includes Industry transformation challenges, characteristics of best-in-class councils, and insights from industry leaders, was gathered from 162 local government senior executives and management from 104 city and regional councils across Australia and New Zealand.
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has called for the next Federal Government to support communities on their digital transformation journeys by building on the Smart Cities and Suburbs Program approach and providing a Smart Communities Program of $100 million per annum
It has also called for the establishment of a Digital Local Government and Rural / Regional Telecommunications Program of $100 million over four years to increase the community benefits of improved technology, connectedness, and innovation.