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  • Local governments looking to stage original live music and festivals can apply for a new round of funding through Live Music Australia. The $20 million Live Music Australia program aims to bring music to more Australians by supporting organisations to professionally stage original live music, including in regional areas. Round 7 is open for applications+

  • Local governments can access a new publication developed by the Australian Signals Directorate’s (ASD) Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) about effectively dealing with a cyber security incident. Coinciding with Cyber Security Awareness Month 2023 in October, the publication How the ACSC can help during a cyber security incident is designed for professionals who lead an organisation’s+

  • Local governments can provide feedback to the Multicultural Framework Review by the Federal Government. The review will advise the Government on what institutional, legislative and policy settings can best build Australia’s multiculturalism over the next decade. It will also aim to identify how to meet the needs of our increasingly diverse society. The Australian Government+

  • A range of free and subsidised courses about road safety and safer cycling are available to councils through the Amy Gillett Foundation (AGF). The Safe Roads for Safe Cycling program, offering face-to-face training and online training options through until mid-2024, is part of the AGF’s mission to stop cyclists being killed and hospitalised on Australia’s roads. +

  • The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is seeking feedback from local governments for the next round of Australia’s Disaster Ready Fund (DRF). The Disaster Ready Fund survey has recently been extended by the Government to enable councils to have their say. The Government has invested $200 million a year over five years in disaster resilience+

  • Road Safety Ministers’ Meeting I was delighted to attend the Road Safety Ministers’ Meeting in Cairns last Wednesday. Australian councils manage around 75 percent of our local road network, and we’re continuing to advocate for the funding we need to deliver and maintain safer local roads for our communities and upgrade them to be more+

  • Local governments are invited to provide feedback and ideas for the Federal Government’s National Autism Strategy, being developed to help autistic people across Australia. The Government has committed to delivering the National Autism Strategy and a range of ideas are based on information gathered through evidence and reviews and the outcomes of a Senate Select+

  • Lively discussions were held around a range of local government infrastructure issues at ALGA’s 2023 National Local Roads, Transport & Infrastructure Congress at the ANU in Canberra from 6-7 September. Some of the highlights included Rohit Srivastava from the Berrigan Shire Council and Dr Jeremy Smith from the Australian National University discussing how local government+

  • Councils are invited to provide feedback on the Water Amendment (Restoring Our Rivers) Bill 2023 which has been referred to the Environment and Communications Legislation Committee for inquiry. The Bill will support the implementation of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and improve the transparency and integrity of water markets in the Basin. The Murray-Darling Basin Plan+

  • A new State of the Profession Report by the Planning Institute of Australia has confirmed one of the key findings of ALGA’s 2022 Jobs and Skills Survey: that Australia’s 537 councils urgently need more qualified planners. This is expected to become a bigger issue, especially for local government following the recent passing of the Federal+

  • JOINT MEDIA RELEASE New data from councils will highlight the multi-billion-dollar impact of natural disasters on Australia’s roads, libraries, aerodromes, bridges and community and recreation centres over the past two years. The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) is partnering with the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) to deliver an update to its National+

  • Win! Minister Bowen attends local government climate change breakfast We were delighted to host Federal Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen at a climate change breakfast at our 2023 National Local Roads, Transport and Infrastructure Congress last week. Minister Bowen highlighted the Government’s plans for transitioning to net zero, while acknowledging the important role+

  • Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen has urged local governments to collaborate and partner with the Federal Government to reduce emissions and embrace clean energy solutions to address Australia’s climate change challenge. Speaking at a roundtable at ALGA’s 2023 National Local Roads, Transport and Infrastructure Congress on 7 September, Mr Bowen encouraged all councils to work+

  • Boosting road and infrastructure funding to better support communities was a major focus of ALGA’s 2023 National Local Roads, Transport and Infrastructure Congress held in Canberra from 6-7 September. Attended by around 250 delegates, including mayors, shire presidents, councillors and council works and engineering staff from across Australia, the Congress had a broad focus on+

  • Federal funding to local government isn’t keeping up with soaring construction costs, according to preliminary research presented by the Grattan Institute at ALGA’s 2023 National Local Roads, Transport and Infrastructure Congress in Canberra. ALGA President Councillor Linda Scott said councils collectively manage around 75 percent of Australia’s road network by length while collecting less than+

  • ALGA News sat down with Shadow Minister for Local Government the Hon. Darren Chester to discuss his views and priorities for local government in Australia.  The Federal Member for Gippsland also reflects on his experiences as a former Minister for Local Government and outlines his passion for improving the liveability of regional communities. ALGA: Mr+

  • Councils are being made aware of the Food and Grocery Sector Group (FGSG) which covers food safety and security during times of crisis or disaster. The FGSG consists of Australia’s food, grocery and beverage industry associations involved in the nation’s food supply chain – from paddock to plate.  It also includes key state and federal+

  • Local governments located within 5.5 km of a controlled airport or in an approach and departure path may be eligible for free drone safety signage. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has pre-cut aluminium drone safety signage available to order. Drone safety signage aims to help drone flyers know where they can and can’t fly+

  • Win! New housing affordability funding and planning reforms In an important advocacy win for local government, the Federal Government has announced a new $500 million Housing Support Program, available to local and state governments, to help address the nation’s affordable housing crisis. Unveiled at National Cabinet on 16 August, this new program will help Australia’s+

  • The Department of Social Services is offering up to one-third of the cost to build Changing Places facilities in Local Government Areas that currently do not have these facilities. Changing Places are accessible toilets with extra features and more space to meet the needs of people with disability and their carers.  These facilities include: a+

  • Local governments are being urged to apply for funding under the Federal Government’s new and upgraded Heavy Vehicle Rest Areas (HVRA) initiative. Through the HVRA, the Government has committed $140 million over 10 years for the construction of new and upgraded heavy vehicle rest areas across the nation. The Government recently incorporated a dedicated criteria for+

  • The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is calling for councils to provide feedback on a new Discussion Paper about finding alternative long-term options to calling in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to assist with disaster response. The recent Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements highlighted the need for alternative capabilities for response to disasters.+

  • The Australian Local Government Association has welcomed new funding – announced by National Cabinet today – that will help councils address Australia’s affordable housing crisis. ALGA President Cr Linda Scott said the Government’s new $500 million Housing Support Program – open to local and state governments – would support councils to build more liveable communities.+

  • The Board of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Amy Crawford as its new Chief Executive Officer. Ms Crawford, who was most recently employed as a senior adviser to Federal Local Government Minister Kristy McBain, will commence with ALGA on 28 August 2023. ALGA President Councillor Linda Scott+

  • Local government feedback is invited for the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) review of topics for the 2026 Census. This important national public consultation is designed to inform recommendations to the Australian Government on topics that could be included in the 2026 Census, including issues affecting councils and local communities. Phase two of the consultation+

  • A more coordinated and collaborative approach across all levels of government is the key to addressing Australia’s affordable housing crisis, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) said today. Ahead of this week’s National Cabinet meeting focusing on planning reforms to facilitate more affordable housing, ALGA President Councillor Linda Scott said increasing the supply of more+

  • ALGA calls for coordinated approach to housing crisis Ahead of this week’s National Cabinet meeting focusing on planning reforms to create affordable housing, ALGA is calling for a more coordinated and collaborative approach across all levels of government to address Australia’s affordable housing crisis. Increasing the supply of more affordable housing can’t be fixed through+

  • Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen will discuss climate change and emissions reduction at a special breakfast event as part of the 2023 National Local Roads, Transport and Infrastructure Congress. Minister Bowen will be joined by ALGA President Councillor Linda Scott, local mayors and leaders at the breakfast on 7 September. For+

  • The National Transport Research Organisation (NTRO), formerly known as Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), has a new offering specifically tailored for councils to manage, maintain and measure roads. NTRO Local provides affordable, achievable solutions for all councils to have better maintained, safer, sustainable and resilient roads. Underpinned by ARRB’s 60 years of experience and expertise,+

  • Local governments are invited to contribute ideas and innovations for the development of the Australian Government’s National Housing and Homelessness Plan. The Plan will be a 10-year strategy and will outline a shared vision to inform future housing and homelessness policy in Australia. Submissions are now invited for an Issues Paper on Housing and Homelessness+

  • Additional resources have been released for councils by the Department of Health and Aged Care to help boost childhood vaccination rates. Based on a recent community information kit, these extra resources include animations and videos featuring trusted health professionals talking about immunisation and real families sharing their experiences: Animations  Routine Childhood Immunisation – Why timing is+

  • Local governments are urged to apply for funding under the new National Road Safety Action Grants Program. The Federal Government has committed $43.6 million over four years to the program to deliver infrastructure priorities outlined in the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30 and National Road Safety Action Plan 2023-25. The program offers funding across five+

  • National roundtable on land use planning On behalf of Australia’s councils, I was delighted to attend and speak at an industry roundtable on land use planning last Thursday convened by the Master Builders of Australia, Planning Institute of Australia and Insurance Council of Australia. At the forum, I highlighted how Australia’s 537 councils play a+

  • ALGA News sat down with Cities Power Partnership Director Dr Portia Odell to discuss how our local governments are supporting Australia’s transition to a clean energy future by embracing new technologies and innovative solutions to reduce their emissions. ALGA: We know Australia’s 537 local governments are at the forefront of creating a more sustainable and+

  • JOINT MEDIA RELEASE State governments must urgently overhaul their approach to land use planning to ensure no more homes are built without regard to risk on flood plains, organisations representing planners, builders and insurers said today. In response to the flood emergency of recent years, the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA), Master Builders Australia (MBA)+

  • The Federal Government is seeking feedback from community stakeholders for its National Consumer Engagement Strategy for Health and Wellbeing. The strategy is designed to strengthen partnerships between health policy makers and the community, as outlined in one of the priorities under the National Preventive Health Strategy 2021-2030. The aim of the new strategy is to+

  • High-profile guest speakers and experts will discuss the latest insights and innovations for roads and community infrastructure at ALGA’s 2023 National Local Roads, Transport & Infrastructure Congress from September 6-7 in Canberra. We have just released the registration brochure for our popular annual event, which provides a detailed outline of the two-day program. ALGA has+

  • Better regulation of end-of-life outcomes for small electrical and electronic equipment (SEEE) and solar photovoltaic (PV) systems will help to reduce waste costs for local councils and communities, according to a new ALGA submission. ALGA has made a submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for the development of a+

  • Councils across Australia are making a concerted effort to go plastic-free to reduce the amount of waste before it enters the local government collection system. In the wake of the recent Plastic Free July campaign, ALGA News is highlighting this key environmental issue and some best practice examples of local governments reducing single-use plastic. Plastics+

  • National Local Roads, Transport and Infrastructure Congress in Canberra Recognising the critical role we play in building, maintaining and upgrading Australia’s community infrastructure and roads, I am delighted to invite you to attend our 2023 National Local Roads, Transport and Infrastructure Congress from 6-7 September. This year’s Congress is in Canberra during a Parliamentary sitting+

  • Expressions of interest are being requested for the Priority Languages Support Project through First Languages Australia. The program aims to support critically endangered languages where no language revival activity is currently being undertaken. Funding through this program averages about $15,000 per project, and only languages that are not being supported through other services are eligible.+

  • The next funding phase of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) program, totalling $750 million, is now available for councils across Australia to nominate projects. Phase 4 funding allocations include an additional $250 million targeted to improve rural, regional and outer urban roads. Projects funded under Phase 4 are expected to be completed by+

  • Local governments can submit projects for the first round of the Federal Government’s new $600 million Growing Regions program with expressions of interest now open. The program offers grants of between $500,000 and $15 million to local governments and not-for-profit organisations for capital works delivering community and economic infrastructure projects across regional and rural Australia.+

  • Local communities, councils and telcos are urged to have their say on new draft guidelines for the next $20 million round of the Peri-Urban Mobile Program (PUMP) which aims to improve mobile coverage on the urban fringes of communities. Peri-urban fringes – where the bush meets the edges of the suburbs – create significant challenges+

  • Local governments have been given more time to apply for the Federal Government’s $160 million regional communications co-investment schemes – the Mobile Black Spot Program (MBSP) and Regional Connectivity Program (RCP) grants. Applications were originally due by 12 July, but stakeholders, including councils, indicated they needed extra time so the deadline has been extended until+

  • Win! Disaster recovery funding fast-tracked In a major advocacy win for local government, the Federal Government has fast-tracked around $1.8 billion in disaster payments, for the majority of states, under the State and Commonwealth-funded Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. We welcomed these advance payments for disaster-affected councils, especially in regional and remote areas, and are thrilled+

  • In a major win for local government, the Federal Government announced today it will bring forward payments totalling almost $1.8 billion to the majority of states under the State and Commonwealth-funded Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA). ALGA President Councillor Linda Scott said the Government had listened to local government’s call for faster support and payments+

  • Registrations are now open for ALGA’s 2023 National Local Roads, Transport and Infrastructure Congress in Canberra from 6-7 September. This year’s Congress, with a broader focus on infrastructure, will be held in the Kambri Precinct at the Australian National University. With a theme of Building Communities that are Safer, Stronger, Smarter, the Congress provides an+

  • As part of National Homelessness Week, the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors and LG Professionals Australia will host the National Local Government Community of Practice event on Housing and Homelessness in Melbourne on 7-8 August 2023. To be held at Melbourne Town Hall, the event will provide an opportunity to hear about the current+

  • Local government is being encouraged to help boost childhood immunisations by sharing a range of resources about routine vaccinations suitable for parents and carers of young children. The Department of Health has produced a new community information kit as well as a poster and resources about the flu vaccination. The free vaccines available through the National+

  • Enjoy some of the highlights and memorable moments from ALGA’s successful National General Assembly (NGA) of Local Government in Canberra from 13-16 June. See a selection of photos from the annual event held at the National Convention Centre. Please see a range of videos below.          

  • Local government is invited to comment on a new proposal by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for regulating waste from small electronics and solar photovoltaic systems (or e‑products). The latest statistics show each Australian produced an average of 20kg of e-waste in 2019 compared with the global average of 7kg.+