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Round 2 grants under the Driver Reviver Site Upgrade Program have been announced, with 71 roadside rest areas in line for improvements. The grants, totalling $7.2 million, will go towards improving amenities and equipment such as shelters, picnic tables, power and water facilities, barbecues, parking, lighting, and kitchen facilities. Driver Reviver Australia national director Allan+
Posted 17 September, 2021 -
The last of 130 properties damaged by a devastating fire in outer metropolitan Perth in February has been cleared, paving the way for rebuilding. The Wooroloo Bushfire Residential Coordinated Clean-up comprised three separate programs funded with $18.1 million provided under joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. Western Australian Minister for Emergency Services Reece Whitby said+
Posted 17 September, 2021 -
Regional and remote areas of Australia will get new or expanded recycling facilities after $7 million in new federal funding was announced this week. The grant funding will be made available through the Recycling Modernisation Fund and will be additional to the 23 projects that have already been identified in regional and remote Australia through+
Posted 17 September, 2021 -
Council-run early childhood education and care centres affected by Covid-19 restrictions are set to receive additional Commonwealth support. Under a new package announced last week, childcare services in Commonwealth‐declared hotspots of Greater Sydney will be eligible for payments of 25 percent of their pre‐lockdown revenue. ALGA President Linda Scott last week wrote to the Federal+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
A federal agency has called for a conversation on developer contributions, saying financially constrained councils are using them to raise revenue. In a new study published this week, the National Housing and Finance Investment Corporations (NHFIC) said developer contributions now account for 8-11 percent of total home construction costs in NSW, Victoria, and Queensland. Contributions+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
Thermochemical technologies able to help realise a circular economy for plastics in Australia are not being fully exploited, the national science agency says. A new report by the national science agency says mixed, multi-layer, flexible, or contaminated and other hard-to-recycle plastics could be readily turned back into food-grade recycled plastics or other products using chemical,+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
Commonwealth efforts to identify regions where people face difficulties accessing GPs will be re-evaluated to address emerging local pressures. Federal Minister for Regional Health David Gillespie announced the review of the Distribution Priority Area (DPA) classification system this week. “I have heard the concerns that the current approach is not capturing current or emerging local+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
Commonwealth funding partnerships with relevant jurisdictions are needed to improve road infrastructure, a federal parliamentary inquiry has said. The report from the inquiry into the importance of a viable, safe, sustainable, and efficient road transport industry published last week also said the federal government should: Establish a national fund to assess, maintain and upgrade freight+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
A “place-based” approach to infrastructure investment will bring jobs growth to regional centres and better address local community needs, a new report says. Infrastructure Australia’s latest 15-year infrastructure plan says better transport links and rural manufacturing hubs will also help bring regional GDP growth in line with Australia’s fastest-growing cities. The 2021 plan includes waste+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
Darwin Lord Mayor Kon Vatskalis has been returned for another term after local government elections were held across the Northern Territory on 28 August. Mr Vatskalis claimed victory with 56 percent of the votes counted, at which point he led his nearest rival, Amye Un, by more than 10,000 first preferences. In a social media+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
New resources supporting individuals and organisations engaged in disaster recovery, including local governments, have been published by Phoenix Australia. The resources are the outcome of the Recovery Capitals (ReCap) project, which aims to support wellbeing after disasters by providing evidence-based resources for those engaged in recovery. Designed to support strengths-based, holistic and inclusive recovery approaches,+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
Smaller regional centres can attract and sustain population and economic growth by focusing on distinctive economic strengths or locational advantages. A new Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) report says there is no single model for regional planning or development. However, there is a trend towards place-based regional interventions focused on unique regional attributes+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
Nine notorious accident sites on Northern Territory roads will be made safer with new funding from the Commonwealth’s Black Spot Program. The NT government will receive more than $1.7 million under the program’s 2021-22 funding round, with councils contributing a further $1.4 million to the successful projects. The locations chosen for upgrades have seen a+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
The Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) is examining how well rural community groups are coping with successive natural disasters. According to the FRRR, there is anecdotal evidence that many groups working in the social, economic, cultural, and environmental resilience space are feeling overwhelmed by the wave of disasters, including Covid-19, that have swept+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
In September 2020, Commonwealth legislation requiring developers to give new housing developments better access to modern telecommunications came into effect. To help raise awareness of the requirements for pit and pipe installations, particularly amongst smaller developers and owner-builders, the federal Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC) is asking local councils and other+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
The benefits of providing high-quality active transport and public transport options in residential growth areas easily outweigh the costs, a new study has found. RMIT University researchers said the overall benefits of providing early, high-quality transport options in the Casey and Wyndham local government areas of metropolitan Melbourne added up to about $925 million and+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
The Australian Taxation Office is holding an online event on Monday 27 September covering two topics relevant to council finance officers. 1. Your Future Your Super – Introduction to Stapled Super Funds This will give an overview of the Your Future Your Super measure and the process needed to be followed to request a stapled+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
In response to ALGA’s advocacy for more Covid support for councils that run early childhood education and care (ECEC) services, the Federal Government announced new business continuity payments on 23 August. Local government ECEC providers with centres in Commonwealth-declared COVID hotspots in Greater Melbourne and Greater Sydney will be eligible for payments of 25 percent+
Posted 3 September, 2021 -
Councils must balance competing demands against finite resources, which is why ALGA continues to seek opportunities for improvement and advocate for councils to be adequately resourced for their tasks. Local government nationally employs about 194,000 Australians (around 10 percent of the total public sector). We own and manage non-financial assets with an estimated value of+
Posted 20 August, 2021 -
The Federal Government is allowing childcare centres in any area declared a Covid-19 hotspot for more than seven days to waive gap fees. In line with new arrangements introduced on 19 July, council-run early childhood education and care services affected by recent stay-at-home orders can opt-in to waive gap fees to parents to try to+
Posted 19 August, 2021 -
Infrastructure resilience can be enhanced by looking not just at assets themselves but how they contribute to societal resilience overall. In two new advisory papers published this week, Infrastructure Australia (IA) recommends a whole-of-system, all-hazards approach to resilience planning focused on strengthening an infrastructure asset as well as the place, precinct, city, and region that+
Posted 19 August, 2021 -
Three north-western NSW councils will take part in a research project to address their long-standing health workforce shortages. The Glen Innes Severn Council and the Gwydir and Narrabri Shire councils will work with a research team to establish, fund, and manage a health workforce recruiter and connector (HWRC) position in each of the three LGAs.+
Posted 19 August, 2021 -
New and easily deployed technology able to extract value-added materials from problematic waste streams is about to be trialled on the NSW South Coast. Dubbed “micro-cycling science”, the novel technology was developed by the University of NSW’s Sustainable Materials Research and Technology (SMaRT) Centre with support from the Australian Research Council. The technology is deployed+
Posted 19 August, 2021 -
Government-to-government property transactions will be streamlined under proposed legislative reforms agreed to by the Commonwealth this week. The Federal Government has accepted all 16 recommendations of a review of the Land Acquisitions Act (1989) carried out by the federal Department of Finance in 2020-21. Among other things, the review recommended that Section 40 of the+
Posted 19 August, 2021 -
Communities along the Melbourne-Brisbane Inland Rail route may miss out on the project’s full benefits because of poor consultation with local governments. A federal parliamentary inquiry into the $20 billion rail infrastructure project has found that councils had largely been frustrated in their efforts to engage with the project manager, Australian Rail Track Corporation, and+
Posted 19 August, 2021 -
A new mobile phone app has been launched nationally to help households and businesses work out which of their waste items can be recycled. As well as providing localised information on what items can be recycled and where, the Recycle Mate app allows users to photograph an item and check it against a catalogue to+
Posted 19 August, 2021 -
Australian councils are more now more active than ever in delivering climate action, with many also increased their emissions reduction targets. In its Australian Local Government Climate Review 2021 issued this week, ICLEI Oceania – Local Governments for Sustainability, said 100 Australian councils have now declared a climate emergency, joining 1800 others around the world.+
Posted 19 August, 2021 -
Councils want to digitally transform to improve customer satisfaction and employee productivity but lack the wherewithal, a new survey suggests. Commissioned by Local Government Professionals Australia (LGPro) and software provider Technology One, the survey found over 80 percent of respondents rated digital transformation as a high priority. However, 56 percent reported that they did not+
Posted 19 August, 2021 -
Public consultation for the National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy has begun, with feedback possible up until COB Monday 6 September. The strategy is intended to provide a “clear and practical pathway for a resilient Australia” by: showcasing national adaptation and resilience efforts; and strengthening national coordination to manage physical climate impacts such as floods,+
Posted 19 August, 2021 -
The Taxation Office is advising councils that are registered community housing providers, or that partner CHPs, to lodge their annual reports. An annual report from a registered CHP is a requirement for eligible individuals who invest in qualifying affordable housing and who want to claim the affordable housing capital gains tax (CGT) discount of up+
Posted 19 August, 2021 -
Martin O’Malley, once named one of America’s five best big-city mayors by Time Magazine will be speaking at next month’s Asia Pacific Cities Summit and Mayors’ Forum in Brisbane. The former Baltimore mayor was also a 2016 US Democratic presidential candidate, and the 61st Governor of Maryland. Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said: “While events+
Posted 19 August, 2021 -
This week, it was a pleasure to meet with our new Assistant Minister for Local Government, the Hon. Kevin Hogan MP, to congratulate him on his new role, and commit to working with him on all matters important to local governments. On your behalf, I raised: Local government financial sustainability questions arising from COVID lockdowns;+
Posted 6 August, 2021 -
The Commonwealth Local Government Forum has begun a “Month of Mentoring” to support female councillors and encourage women to stand for office. “Mentoring is a proven peer-to-peer methodology that supports women leaders to navigate the political environment, increase their confidence, and build their political network,” acting CLGF Secretary-General Lucy Slack said last week. “While+
Posted 6 August, 2021 -
Feedback on the federal government’s Peri-Urban Mobile Program (PUMP) is being sought from community representatives and industry. Announced as part of the 2021–22 federal Budget, the $16.4 million program will fund improve mobile connectivity in bushfire-prone areas on the peri-urban fringe, where suburbs encroach into bushland, potentially creating bushfire risks for those living and working+
Posted 5 August, 2021 -
Plastic Oceans Australasia (POA) is inviting council staff to host plastic-free picnics next month to help heighten awareness of pollution from single-use plastics. The inaugural Picnics Unwrapped campaign encourages people, as individuals or teams, to host or participate in a waste-free picnic from 1- 30 September. POA hopes the campaign will raise awareness of the+
Posted 5 August, 2021 -
Nearly six in 10 local government CEOs say the financial sustainability of their councils was negatively impacted by Covid-19, a new survey shows. However, the survey also shows the pandemic has provided the impetus for many councils to “think outside of the box” about how to maximise revenue, keep costs down, and “sweat” their assets+
Posted 5 August, 2021 -
Regional airports nationwide have been awarded nearly $30 million in grants under Round 2 of the Federal Government’s Regional Airports Program. The 89 projects awarded grants include: Charters Towers Regional Council for airstrip, fencing and other upgrades at Charters Towers Airport in Queensland ($400,000); Kempsey Shire Council for fencing to reduce wildlife intrusion at Kempsey+
Posted 5 August, 2021 -
The Australian Council of Recycling (ACOR) will develop a national accreditation/certification scheme to support resource recovery and the circular economy. The project will receive funding from the federal Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment (DAWE) and be aligned to key targets in the National Waste Policy Action Plan. Those action plan targets include reducing total+
Posted 5 August, 2021 -
A federal parliamentary inquiry has called for a national homelessness strategy recognising the vital role played by local governments. The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs report on homelessness in Australia contains 35 recommendations, including that the Commonwealth develop and implement a 10-year national strategy in consultation with state, territory,+
Posted 5 August, 2021 -
Local government elections in NSW have been postponed for a second time as the current Covid-19 outbreaks in Sydney, the Hunter and Shoalhaven continue. NSW Minister for Local Government Shelley Hancock confirmed last Saturday the election date had been pushed back from September 4 to December 4 for all NSW councils except Central Coast Council,+
Posted 5 August, 2021 -
Sixty-seven new mobile base stations will be built across Australia under Round 5A of the Mobile Black Spot Program. The 67 base stations, to which local governments will be co-contributing costs, will address coverage issues across regional and remote Australia, including in bushfire-prone areas and along major highways. They are expected to collectively deliver over+
Posted 5 August, 2021 -
Councils providing residential aged care have won a share of $150 million in funding under the Commonwealth’s 2020 Aged Care Approvals Round (ACAR). Seventy-two infrastructure projects have won on average about $2.1 million each in capital grant funding. The 2020 ACAR also includes the allocation of over 4000 residential care places and more than 1000+
Posted 5 August, 2021 -
The Australian Local Government Association is partnering with ICLEI Oceania to help councils tackle global warming and plan for a sustainable future. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed this week commits ALGA and ICLEI Oceania to work at boosting information and tools available to local governments. This work will encompass: Awareness-raising and promotion of effective+
Posted 5 August, 2021 -
An initiative using recycled glass as a natural sand substitute in local roads and footpaths has expanded to include 16 suburban Sydney councils. The Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC) initiative turns locally recycled crushed glass into coarse sand suitable for use as a substitute for natural sand in asphalt, non-structural concrete and pipe+
Posted 5 August, 2021 -
Five national projects to reduce the risk and impact of natural disasters on Australian communities are getting $4.2 million in new federal funding. The largest grant of $3 million will go to the Bushfire Building Council of Australia to develop a self-assessment app to provide site-specific mitigation guidelines to improve resilience. The CSIRO will receive+
Posted 5 August, 2021 -
The 2020-211 agricultural census has begun as part of efforts to build a better picture of primary production at a national, state, and regional level. Over 100,000 farms are being included in this census to ensure information collected is reliable and can provide the Australian Bureau of Statistics with the required level of detail to+
Posted 23 July, 2021 -
Regional motorists are being urged to give agricultural vehicles extra space on the road ahead of this year’s sowing and harvest seasons. National Heavy Vehicle Regulator CEO Sal Petroccitto said the increase in people moving to regional communities in the past year meant more traffic for agricultural vehicle drivers to safely navigate during peak activity+
Posted 23 July, 2021 -
Four northern NSW regional airports have been awarded $1.2 million for runway upgrades and other projects under Round 2 of the Regional Airports Program. The upgrades at the Tamworth, Armidale, Inverell, and Quirindi airports are the first Round 2 projects to be announced, with further notifications expected to follow. In Armidale, $300,000 in federal funding+
Posted 23 July, 2021 -
Infrastructure Australia’s revised Assessment Framework taking into account sustainability and resilience outcomes has been published. The broadened assessment criteria will allow for a “more holistic review of a proposal’s potential benefits, in addition to those that can be monetised through traditional cost-benefit analysis”. IA says the revisions respond to input from stakeholders, align with state+
Posted 23 July, 2021 -
The South East Queensland Council of Mayors (SEQ) did local government proud this week. Six years after they began exploring a Brisbane regional bid for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Council of Mayors (working with the state and federal governments) have delivered spectacularly for their communities. The basis for the bid was always about+
Posted 23 July, 2021 -
Many local governments and communities lack the resources to identify appropriate solutions to local telecommunications problems, a new issues paper says. Published as a prelude to the 2021 Regional Telecommunications Review, the paper canvasses issues around adequacy, opportunity, and awareness of telco services in both rural, regional and remote areas of Australia. Public consultations for+
Posted 23 July, 2021 -
Over 200 dangerous crash sites on NSW, Victoria, SA, Tasmania, and WA roads will get Black Spot Program fixes in 2021-22. Program funding of $86.9 million was announced this week, with the biggest share set to flow to councils in Victoria and NSW. Queensland Black Spot funding of $20.8 million to improve 67 dangerous crash+
Posted 23 July, 2021