A new safety campaign has been launched to reduce the number of dangerously loaded trucks operating on NSW regional roads.
The Load Restraint Public Education Campaign was initiated by the Parkes, Forbes, and Lachlan Shire Councils and includes new “how-to” load restraint videos and factsheets, a social media awareness campaign, and a series of load restraint information sessions across the three local government areas.
Heavy vehicle traffic in the three LGAs has grown steadily as the region’s farming, mining, forestry, and construction sectors expand, to the point where one truck passes now through the townships of Forbes, Parkes, and Peak Hill every minute.
Forbes Shire Council Mayor Phyllis Miller OAM said local police had issued 72 notices for load restraint breaches in 2019.
“Safety is a high priority for the heavy vehicle industry, but there are still too many knowledge gaps when it comes to load restraint,” Ms Miller said.
“It’s important that all businesses recognise they have a part to play in heavy vehicle safety under 2018 Chain of Responsibility amendments.
“This project will aid in removing any doubts about how heavy vehicles should be loaded.”
The project received $60,500 under the Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative (HVSI) program, administered by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR).