• Councils are invited to participate in the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) inquiry into the future acts regime, under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), which is the main native title law in Australia. The ALRC will investigate how the future acts regime works, and how it can be improved to make it work effectively+

  • Local governments could boost Australia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by up to $7 billion per year and create more liveable communities if councils were sustainably funded by the Federal Government, a Parliamentary Committee was told today. New research, due to be released by ALGA next week, shows a $1 billion annual investment in local government+

  • Councils are advised the Federal Government’s Infrastructure Management System (IMS) portal will be unavailable from 11 pm on Wednesday 31 July until 12 pm on Monday 19 August, to cleanse and migrate data to the new Reporting and Program Management (RPM) portal. Please note, during this time local governments will not be able to access+

  • As many local governments interact with and provide direct services to older Australians, CarerHelp provides free and trustworthy online information and resources to Australians caring for someone with a life-limiting illness. CarerHelp addresses end of life topics including managing common symptoms, emotional care, financial matters, caring for the dying person, and managing grief.  There is+

  • ALGA President Cr Linda Scott will officially open the inaugural Careers at Council Jobs Summit hosted by LGNSW in Sydney on 1 May. The summit provides the opportunity for local government decision-makers to learn more about recent changes in the employment market and share successful council practices to building a skilled and sustainable workforce. Aimed+

  • Local governments are invited to attend an information session on 18 April to better understand new strengthened aged care quality standards in Australia. The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), Local Government Association of South Australia (LGA SA) and Local Government NSW (LGNSW) are jointly hosting the session, via MS Teams, with representatives from the Aged+

  • Local governments are urged to enter the 2024 Resilient Australia Awards to celebrate and promote initiatives building community resilience to disasters and emergencies around Australia. Sponsored by the Australian Government in partnership with states and territories, the awards recognise collaboration and innovative across a broad range of sectors and initiatives that strengthen disaster resilience with+

  • JOINT MEDIA RELEASE The Federal Government’s new Housing Support Program must be increased to $750 million to empower local governments to help deliver the Commonwealth’s ambitious housing targets and enable vital infrastructure investment in new housing developments. The competitive program – which has been welcomed by local government – will provide funding for connecting essential+

  • New rules have been developed by the Federal Government to ensure all new housing developments of 50 dwellings or more should include mobile coverage during planning processes. The rules reflect existing expectations about access to essential utilities – water, electricity and fixed line telecommunications services – in new developments, highlighting the critical importance of mobile+

  • Local governments are encouraged to embrace an innovative, evidence-based program called Daughters and Dads Active and Empowered. Pioneered by the University of Newcastle, the award-winning program has been proven to enhance the physical and social-emotional well-being of primary school-aged girls. Several LGAs around Australia have expressed interest in running the program, with a number applying+

  • Local governments, especially in regional areas, are urged to participate in the Federal Government’s Regional Telecommunications review this year. Former Western Australian Minister for Regional Development, Agriculture and Food Alannah MacTiernan has been appointed to lead the next review.  She will be supported by the 2024 Regional Telecommunications Independent review Committee. The review is undertaken+

  • ALGA is delighted to once again partner with the Federal Government to host the 2024 Australian Council of Local Government (ACLG) in Canberra. The ACLG event will be held at the National Convention Centre on Friday 5 July, after the 2024 National General Assembly (NGA). The 2024 ACLG is expected to attract around 600 local+

  • Local governments and communities are invited to once again roll up their sleeves to be part of Clean Up Australia Day 2024 on 3 March. This year is the 34th year of Clean Up Australia Day – Australia’s largest community-based environmental event. Clean Up Australia Day wouldn’t occur without the support of local governments. Every+

  • A number of high-profile and engaging guest speakers have already been confirmed for the 2024 National General Assembly (NGA) in Canberra from 2-4 July 2024. Popular media personality and commentator Annabel Crabb (pictured) will join ALGA President Linda Scott on stage for a fireside conversation about politics and civic engagement. Drawing on her experience as+

  • New guidelines for round two of the Disaster Ready Fund (DRF) have recently been released by the Federal Government. Councils can submit applications to lead agencies as part of the second DRF funding round between 22 January and 20 March 2024. Round two of the DRF will provide up to $200 million of funding for+

  • The Federal Government’s Urban Rivers and Catchments Program is now open to local governments. A total of $109 million is available from July 2024 to fund around 100 waterway projects around Australia. There are two competitive grant streams: Stream 1 – small to medium-scale project grants of between $150,000 to $2 million for community-led projects.+

  • A new Bushfire Resilience Rating Home Self-Assessment app places decades of science and research into local governments and residents’ hands, allowing them to assess homes and measure how they would perform in a bushfire. The free app also provides households with a customised action plan, specific to their individual property and local risk. As tasks+

  • Australia’s local governments are invited to attend a webinar on 29 November about the challenge of managing diverse needs and communicating a shared vision of urban conservation with key stakeholders. Hosted by ICLEI Oceania and targeting elected officials, leaders, and officers from municipal, metropolitan, and regional councils, the CitiesWithNature webinar will provide tools and approaches+

  • Local governments managing or operating remote airports can apply for the latest round of funding from the Federal Government’s Remote Airstrip Upgrade Program. Under round 10 of the program, $12 million is available for airport upgrades in remote areas of Australia with grants between $5,000 and $3 million available. The funding supports projects that enhance+

  • Nominations are open for elected representatives, including Australian councillors, for the 2023 McKinnon Prize. The McKinnon Prize is Australia’s independent, non-partisan award for outstanding political leadership. Elected representatives can be nominated for demonstrating outstanding and impactful leadership through their vision, collaboration, ethical behaviour and courage.  Nominees must be an elected member of a local, state+

  • Local governments are invited to provide feedback on draft new planning rules to include consideration of mobile coverage in new housing developments in Australia. The Federal Government is proposing amendments to the Telecommunications in New Developments (TIND) policy to place an expectation on developers to consider the inclusion of mobile infrastructure in new developments. In+

  • A range of free and subsidised courses about road safety and safer cycling are available to councils through the Amy Gillett Foundation (AGF). The Safe Roads for Safe Cycling program, offering face-to-face training and online training options through until mid-2024, is part of the AGF’s mission to stop cyclists being killed and hospitalised on Australia’s roads. +

  • The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is seeking feedback from local governments for the next round of Australia’s Disaster Ready Fund (DRF). The Disaster Ready Fund survey has recently been extended by the Government to enable councils to have their say. The Government has invested $200 million a year over five years in disaster resilience+

  • Councils are invited to provide feedback on the Water Amendment (Restoring Our Rivers) Bill 2023 which has been referred to the Environment and Communications Legislation Committee for inquiry. The Bill will support the implementation of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and improve the transparency and integrity of water markets in the Basin. The Murray-Darling Basin Plan+

  • Boosting road and infrastructure funding to better support communities was a major focus of ALGA’s 2023 National Local Roads, Transport and Infrastructure Congress held in Canberra from 6-7 September. Attended by around 250 delegates, including mayors, shire presidents, councillors and council works and engineering staff from across Australia, the Congress had a broad focus on+

  • Local governments located within 5.5 km of a controlled airport or in an approach and departure path may be eligible for free drone safety signage. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has pre-cut aluminium drone safety signage available to order. Drone safety signage aims to help drone flyers know where they can and can’t fly+

  • Win! New housing affordability funding and planning reforms In an important advocacy win for local government, the Federal Government has announced a new $500 million Housing Support Program, available to local and state governments, to help address the nation’s affordable housing crisis. Unveiled at National Cabinet on 16 August, this new program will help Australia’s+

  • The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is calling for councils to provide feedback on a new Discussion Paper about finding alternative long-term options to calling in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to assist with disaster response. The recent Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements highlighted the need for alternative capabilities for response to disasters.+

  • ALGA News sat down with Cities Power Partnership Director Dr Portia Odell to discuss how our local governments are supporting Australia’s transition to a clean energy future by embracing new technologies and innovative solutions to reduce their emissions. ALGA: We know Australia’s 537 local governments are at the forefront of creating a more sustainable and+

  • The Federal Government is seeking feedback from community stakeholders for its National Consumer Engagement Strategy for Health and Wellbeing. The strategy is designed to strengthen partnerships between health policy makers and the community, as outlined in one of the priorities under the National Preventive Health Strategy 2021-2030. The aim of the new strategy is to+

  • High-profile guest speakers and experts will discuss the latest insights and innovations for roads and community infrastructure at ALGA’s 2023 National Local Roads, Transport & Infrastructure Congress from September 6-7 in Canberra. We have just released the registration brochure for our popular annual event, which provides a detailed outline of the two-day program. ALGA has+

  • Expressions of interest are being requested for the Priority Languages Support Project through First Languages Australia. The program aims to support critically endangered languages where no language revival activity is currently being undertaken. Funding through this program averages about $15,000 per project, and only languages that are not being supported through other services are eligible.+

  • Local governments can submit projects for the first round of the Federal Government’s new $600 million Growing Regions program with expressions of interest now open. The program offers grants of between $500,000 and $15 million to local governments and not-for-profit organisations for capital works delivering community and economic infrastructure projects across regional and rural Australia.+

  • Local governments have been given more time to apply for the Federal Government’s $160 million regional communications co-investment schemes – the Mobile Black Spot Program (MBSP) and Regional Connectivity Program (RCP) grants. Applications were originally due by 12 July, but stakeholders, including councils, indicated they needed extra time so the deadline has been extended until+

  • As part of National Homelessness Week, the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors and LG Professionals Australia will host the National Local Government Community of Practice event on Housing and Homelessness in Melbourne on 7-8 August 2023. To be held at Melbourne Town Hall, the event will provide an opportunity to hear about the current+

  • Local government is being encouraged to help boost childhood immunisations by sharing a range of resources about routine vaccinations suitable for parents and carers of young children. The Department of Health has produced a new community information kit as well as a poster and resources about the flu vaccination. The free vaccines available through the National+

  • Local government is invited to comment on a new proposal by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for regulating waste from small electronics and solar photovoltaic systems (or e‑products). The latest statistics show each Australian produced an average of 20kg of e-waste in 2019 compared with the global average of 7kg.+

  • Countdown to the NGA The countdown is on for ALGA’s annual conference – the 29th National General Assembly (NGA) of Local Government from 13-16 June. In about a week’s time, more than 1000 people will converge in Canberra for the NGA at the National Convention Centre, including around 450 delegates for the 2023 Regional Forum+

  • ALGA has welcomed the release of new guidelines for the Federal Government’s Growing Regions Program, as part of local government’s ongoing advocacy for more money for regional Australia. The program provides grants between $500,000 and $15 million to local governments and not-for-profit organisations for capital works projects that deliver community and economic infrastructure across regional and rural Australia.+

  • Councils are invited to attend LGNSW’s Water Management Conference 2023 from 26-28 June at Parkes. The conference will outline practical solutions to water and sewerage management and explore issues and challenges facing local water utilities. Delegates can also learn about the latest water policy initiatives and government priorities as well as discover ways to address+

  • The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has welcomed the Albanese Government’s delivery of an additional $250 million through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program, while calling on the Government to reinstate the former model that saw funding provided to all Australian councils. Established in 2020, the LRCI program has been successful in providing+

  • Councils Leading in Emergency Management With 524 disaster support declarations over 316 local government areas in 2022, never before have local governments faced so many challenges. That’s why, on your behalf, I provided evidence to the Senate Select Committee on Australia’s Disaster Resilience, advocating on behalf of Australia’s 537 local governments for more support. Right across+

  • JOINT MEDIA RELEASE                       Australia’s 537 local governments are critical to creating a more sustainable and clean energy future and helping the Federal Government deliver on its target of net zero by 2050. The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), with support from the Cities Power Partnership and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI),+

  • Councils are reminded that the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has now included all government entities in their new agent nomination process. The process is a new requirement to help ensure only chosen authorised tax agents, BAS agents or payroll service providers can access your government entity’s accounts, and act on your behalf for tax and+

  • ALGA News sat down in Canberra with former ALGA President David O’Loughlin, who was recently appointed to the Federal Government’s new National Housing Supply and Affordability Council.  As a former Mayor of Prospect in South Australia, Mr O’Loughlin is also a Director of the Urban Renewal Authority in SA. ALGA:  Tell us about your new+

  • Local government has welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to extend project construction timelines for Phases 1–3 of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) program. Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said on 27 March councils now have until 30 June 2024 to complete works, providing an extra year on the+

  • Thank you for NGA motions A sincere thank you to everyone who has submitted motions for our 2023 National General Assembly in June. We’ve had a tremendous response for both motions and registrations for this year’s Conference, which is shaping up to be the biggest on record.  So a reminder to get your early bird+

  • JOINT MEDIA RELEASE The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), with support from the Australian Airports Association (AAA), is urging the Federal Government to provide $250 million per year over four years for a new Regional Infrastructure Recovery Program to protect regional infrastructure against future disasters. There were 46 disasters declared in 2022, with 524 disaster+

  • ALGA recently submitted its 2023-24 Pre-Budget submission to the Treasury outlining key national funding priorities for Australia’s 537 councils. These major priorities include: Restoring Financial Assistance Grants to at least one percent of Commonwealth taxation revenue; Making the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program permanent with ongoing funding of $500 million per year, with+

  • Win! ACLG set to run after NGA Conference In a historic win for local government, the Federal Government has announced the return of the Australian Council of Local Government (ACLG), which will meet in Canberra for the first time in more than a decade on 16 June. The ACLG will provide a valuable opportunity for+

  • Local government can access a new Recovery Exercising Toolkit developed by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR). The toolkit has been designed to be a user-friendly resource applicable across all state and territories, and can be used to support exercise management programs to include a recovery exercise+

  • Local government is being encouraged to support and promote the Federal Government’s new Multicultural Health Connect helpline among multicultural communities.  The helpline 1800 186 815 offers people from multicultural backgrounds free health advice in their own language, including: expert health advice from a nurse  finding doctors, hospitals, and community health centres  finding nearby support services  +