• The 537 Councils in Australia have a fundamental role in achieving economic prosperity, social well-being and liveability in our metropolitan, regional and rural communities. Local governments have a demonstrated track record of working effectively in partnership with the Commonwealth Government and have a presence in almost every part of the country.

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  • In January 2020 ALGA made a submission to the Standing Committee on Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources inquiry into Innovative Solutions in Australia’s Waste Management and Recycling Industries. This submission should be read in conjunction with any separate submissions received from State and Territory Associations as well as individual councils.

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  • In January 2020 ALGA made a submission to the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report on National Transport Productivity. This submission should be read in conjunction with any separate submissions received from State and Territory Associations as well as individual councils.

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  • In January 2020 ALGA made a submission to the Department of Home Affairs, Australia’s 2020 – 21 Migration Program. This submission should be read in conjunction with any separate submissions received from State and Territory Associations as well as individual councils.

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  • In December 2019 ALGA made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications, Product Stewardship Amendment (Packaging and Plastics) Bill 2019. This submission should be read in conjunction with any separate submissions received from State and Territory Associations as well as individual councils.

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  • In December 2019 ALGA made a submission on the COAG Waste Export Ban Discussion Paper. This submission should be read in conjunction with any separate submissions received from State and Territory Associations as well as individual councils. If you would like further information please visit – https://www.environment.gov.au/protection/waste-resource-recovery/coag-waste-export-ban-consultation

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  • In November 2019 ALGA made a submission to the review of the National Airports Safeguarding Framework. If you would like further information on the review please visit – https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/aviation/environmental/airport_safeguarding/public-consultation-national-airports-safeguarding-framework.aspx

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  • In November 2019 ALGA made a submission to Infrastructure Australia, Infrastructure Audit 2019.

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  • In November 2019 ALGA made a submission to the Senate Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee, inquiry into the importance of a viable, safe, sustainable and efficient road transport industry. This submission should be read in conjunction with any separate submissions received from State and Territory Associations as well as individual+

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  • In November 2019 ALGA made a submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts’ inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia. This submission should be read in conjunction with any separate submissions received from State and Territory Associations as well as individual councils. For more information+

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  • In September 2019 ALGA made a submission to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into Jobs for the Future in Regional Australia. In making this submission ALGA wishes to reiterate the view articulated in the September 2017 submission on the need to make better use of existing leadership structures, especially local government, in the implementation of+

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  • ALGA has enjoyed a close, productive working relationship with the Commonwealth Government, illustrated by its current membership (through its President) of the Council of Australian Governments, and a number of other Commonwealth-State Ministerial Councils, which consider different sets of complex policy issues across many sectors of the economy. This includes membership on the Ministerial Council+

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  • In September 2019 ALGA made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, New Skilled Regional Visas Bill. This submission should be read in conjunction with any separate submissions received from State and Territory Associations as well as individual councils.

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  • In September 2019 ALGA made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration Inquiry into Migration in Regional Australia. For more information on the inquiry please visit- https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Migration/RegionalMigration

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  • An independent panel of people connected to and/or living and working in the Basin has been invited to undertake an assessment of social and economic conditions in Basin communities on behalf of The Hon. David Littleproud MP, Minister for Water Resources, Drought, Rural Finance, Natural Disaster and Emergency Management. The Panel will enable Murray-Darling Basin+

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  • In response to the scientific evidence on anthropogenic climate change, local government has for over two decades been actively engaged in programs to reduce carbon emissions from council operations and to implement emissions abatement programs in communities. Local governments recognise Australia’s exceptional vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. Even a 1.5° C increase in+

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  • The planning and funding of Australia’s roads is inefficient and in urgent need of reform as noted in both Infrastructure Australia’s 2015 Australian Infrastructure Audit and the Productivity Commission’s 2014 Public Infrastructure Report. ALGA supports the notion of a more robust infrastructure pipeline being developed as part of the Australian Infrastructure Plan, including to address+

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  • The planning and funding of Australia’s roads is inefficient and in urgent need of reform as noted in both Infrastructure Australia’s 2015 Australian Infrastructure Audit and the Productivity Commission’s 2014 Public Infrastructure Report. ALGA supports the notion of a more robust infrastructure pipeline being developed as part of the Australian Infrastructure Plan, including to address+

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  • The State of the Regions (SOR) reports by National Economics (NIEIR) are published annually by the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA). The reports are launched at the Regional Cooperation and Development Forum, held in Canberra, in June of each year. The objectives of the SOR reports – of which this is the 22nd – are+

  • In Australia, the local government cultural sector of arts, libraries and heritage is made up of over 560 local governments servicing residential populations ranging from a few hundred to over a million. Such diversity within Australian local governments offers a large laboratory of ideas and innovation, with different councils finding new solutions to challenges within+

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  • This submission outlines 13 initiatives developed on behalf of the 537 councils across Australia and the state and territory local government associations. These initiatives will support much needed additional investment in local communities and are designed to benefit every community by improving local services and infrastructure, promoting fairness and boosting local, regional and national productivity.

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  • This submission provides the views of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) regarding the Australia Fund Bill 2018. The Bill proposes to establish a Joint Parliamentary Committee to investigate establishing an Australia Fund to assist in the support and reconstruction of Australian rural and manufacturing industries in times of crises, including natural disasters and world+

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  • Australia’s population at the national, state and territory and local level is determined by natural increase and migration. Our ability to manage that population and the changes in population requires a strategic partnership between all three levels of Government which involves closer collaboration and alignment not only between levels of Governments but also with industry+

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  • The Local Government Workforce Development Group (LGWDG) comprises representatives from each state and territory Local Government Association and provides advice on workforce matters to the Australian Local Government Association. The LGWDG undertook this study to identify the current and emerging skill needs of Local Government to better position the sector for the future.

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  • This submission provides the views of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) regarding the review of the Australian Citizenship Ceremonies Code which was announced in the lead up to 2019 Australia Day. The views ALGA is putting forward do not replace the views of those associations and individual councils, many of which will have made+

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  • The information contained in this submission reflects consultation with state and territory local government associations. It does not, however, replace the individual views of those bodies, some of which may have made separate submissions during the public consultation process. As such, the information contained within should be considered as supplementary information. ALGA is generally supportive+

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  • Australia’s ability to move people and freight safely and efficiently is critical to national productivity and wellbeing – and all levels of government play a role. Australia’s 537 local governments have responsibilities for funding, planning, designing, operating and maintaining the road networks in their local areas which are critical for getting people and products from+

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  • $30 billion is required to renew and replace ageing infrastructure that is needed now. This is the beginning of the renewal of the infrastructure built during the “baby boom” and rapid growth period in the 60’s and 70’s. There has been a steady increase in renewal spending since 2005, but the proportion of infrastructure in+

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  • All Australians, regardless of where they live, deserve equal access to services and infrastructure that will preserve and enhance their quality of life. Given the opportunity, local councils are keen to partner with their local federal members and senators, as well as the Commonwealth, to deliver for the community. ALGA’s 2019 Federal Election document outlines+

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  • This submission was made on the Interim Report of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Recognition relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Local governments across Australia are very supportive of constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. This submission should be read in conjunction with any separate submissions received from state+

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  • ALGA welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the Inquiry into the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Bill 2018. The amendments proposed in the bill have cause serious concern for local government in so far as they override important planning, consultation and safety assessment provisions. This submission should be read in conjunction with any separate submissions+

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  • ALGA made a submission to the Australian Government’s review of the Product Stewardship Act 2011, including the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme. ALGA consulted with state and territory local government associations in preparing the submission. Comments in ALGA’s submission should be read in conjunction with submissions made by state and territory local government associations and councils.

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  • This submission should be read in conjunction with any separate submissions received from state and territory associations as well as individual councils. ALGA’s position over many years is that equitably delivered and affordably priced telecommunications facilities should be available to all Australians, no matter where they live. Provision of information technology to all Australians is+

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  • Local governments understand the importance of healthy communities and creating spaces and places where people can be active. Many councils work in partnership with the Commonwealth, state/territory governments and others, and have achieved notable preventative health outcomes.

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  • The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Standing Committee on Economics and its Inquiry into the indicators of, and impacts of, regional inequality in Australia. This submission builds on an increasing awareness and widespread acknowledgement of the important role of regions in Australia’s economic growth, as well+

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  • The latest report prepared by National Economics (the Australian Institute of Economic and Industry Research) brings forth the data and analysis showing a growing inequality between metropolitan and remote/outer lying regions, when looking at the indicators of population, GDP, income from work, productivity and household disposable income.  A detailed analysis of regional performance is provided+

  • The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) is pleased to present this Submission to highlight Local Government’s priorities for consideration in the lead up to the 2018-19 Federal Budget. ALGA acknowledges the challenging fiscal environment facing the Australian Government, Australian businesses and local communities throughout the nation. ALGA also acknowledges the Government’s commitment to return the+

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  • Local government has a long history and expertise in municipal waste management. Today, municipal waste management services are complex and the range of involvement and service offered to residents and businesses by councils can vary between councils. This submission has been developed in consultation with ALGA’s member state and territory local government associations and should+

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  • The planning and funding of Australia’s roads is inefficient and in urgent need of reform as noted both in the 2015 Australian Infrastructure Audit and the Productivity Commission’s 2014 Public Infrastructure Report. ALGA supports the notion of a more robust infrastructure pipeline being developed as part of the Australian Infrastructure Plan, including to address freight+

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  • Climate change has presented a number of specific challenges that communities, government and business will need to face and address, sooner rather than later. These threats will impact infrastructure, buildings and communities, including public health. ALGA recognises and appreciates the diverse nature of climate change as an issue as well as the multi-faceted approach required+

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  • ALGA welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities Inquiry into the Australian Government’s role in the development of Cities. This submission builds on an increasing awareness and widespread acknowledgement of the importance of cities and towns in building sustainable growth and fostering sustainable and productive regions+

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  • ALGA welcomed the Productivity Commission’s comprehensive initial report that was released in April 2017. While ALGA agrees in principle with many of the Commission’s initial findings and overall commentary, it is not without qualification in parts. ALGA concurs with the Commission’s observation that “by its nature, the geography of our economic transition will not be+

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  • ALGA notes the intention to clarify the operation of existing powers and immunities, amend references in the Telecommunications Code to reflect changes to legislation since the Code was drafted and to consider how new technologies and new types of facilities under the multi technology mix can be rolled out more efficiently and effectively. ALGA understands+

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  • The National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 sets an expectation that councils will plan for compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. It also expects that councils will engage with their communities, including people with disability, to fully understand the issues that need to be addressed and work towards sustainable and appropriate outcomes for their communities. ALGA+

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  • This year’s report revisits the critical question of boosting regional economic productivity. It examines the levers that can drive growth and thereby assist to tackle the growing inequality found in parts of Australia. This year’s report continues to build on the accumulated knowledge of the previous State of the Regions to provide a coherent framework+

  • ALGA established its policy position on carbon mitigation in 2010, which is that it supports a market-based mechanism to bring down emissions. While the policy position remains unchanged, ALGA is committed to working with the government of the day to deliver effective mechanisms and bring down emissions. This submission has been developed in consultation with+

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  • Seven peak organisations, including ALGA, joined to urge for cross-party support to improve long-term infrastructure planning, action on a funding mechanism to support investment in priority projects, and strengthened Parliamentary oversight of public investment decisions. At a time when interest rates are low, and Australia’s economic credibility remains competitively high, the Federal Government should be+

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  • ALGA acknowledges the challenging fiscal environment facing the Australian Government and the Government’s commitment to return the Budget to a surplus by 2021. ALGA notes with continued concern the stubbornly high level of unemployment, particularly youth unemployment, in rural and regional Australia. ALGA also notes the growing income disparity across Australia’s regions and the importance+

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  • The Australian Local Government Association, with funding from the Commonwealth, has produced Disability Inclusion Planning – A Guide for Local Government. This guide will be a valuable resource for councils across Australia by not only assisting them to respond to the requirements of state, territory and Commonwealth legislation and policy, but also to proactively address+

  • This Bulletin has been compiled by ALGA during the 2016 National Local Roads and Transport Congress. The key theme of the Congress was Local Infrastructure – Developing Regions. The 17th National Congress provided an opportunity for ALGA, representatives of state and territory local government associations and councils from across Australia to hear from the nation’s+

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  • This year’s report examines local government’s role in tourism development. Local government helps to administer many tourist attractions and assists in the presentation of tourism-related events. It also provides much of the basic infrastructure which supports the industry, especially transport infrastructure. This year’s report seeks to better understand the importance and complexity of the visitor+

  • This Joint Infrastructure Statement was issued by eight peak organisations, including ALGA, which called on all federal political parties to commit to long-term infrastructure investment in the 2016 Federal election. The statement highlighted concerns about the risk to Australia’s economic growth posed by years of under-investment in public infrastructure, particularly transport infrastructure.

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