• ALGA has provided a submission for the Federal Government’s ‘Australian Skills Guarantee’ and strongly supports the need for Governments to invest in the skills and training of Australia’s workforce. This submission provides a comment on a few important issues raised in the Discussion Paper and does not attempt to address each question as they arise.+

  • Win! Disaster Recovery funding now available Last year, ALGA’s advocacy secured a new $200 million Disaster Ready Fund (DRF), and I’m pleased to let you know that first round of funding is now open for applications. Only states and territories are eligible to apply through Round One. However, the National Emergency Management Agency wants all+

  • Win! Minister backs local government in Parliament It was tremendous to hear Local Government Minister Kristy McBain singing the praises of local councils during a Question Time speech in Parliament on 1 December. She applauded our sector as a “trusted delivery partner” and “the only level of government who deliver services to every town, village+

  • JOINT MEDIA RELEASE With the cost of repairing Australia’s flood and rain damaged roads expected to top $3.8 billion, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has joined with the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) to call for an urgent rethink of road construction, maintenance and funding. Speaking of behalf of Australia’s 537 councils, ALGA President Linda+

  • ALGA has been working closely with Our Watch – a national leader in the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia – to develop a suite of new resources for councils. The organisation was created to drive nationwide change in the practices, norms and structures that lead to violence against women and+

  • Local governments are a trusted partner of the federal government and effectively deliver services on behalf of the Commonwealth, Local Government Minister Kristy McBain told Question Time on Wednesday (30 November).  “The local government sector is a trusted delivery partner for the federal government. They are the only level of government who deliver services to+

  • ALGA President Cr Linda Scott was a keynote speaker at the Australian Airports Association Conference in Adelaide on 16 November.   Cr Scott highlighted the importance of council-run regional airports to local communities and how more funding support is urgently needed.  Across Australia, local governments own and operate more than 300 small airports and aerodromes –+

  • Feedback is invited on the Federal Government’s new draft guidelines for drone delivery services in Australia. The drone delivery guidelines step through regulatory requirements for drone operators and guide planning authorities, including councils, to make informed decisions about drone delivery services in communities: The guidelines are open for consultation, including from local government, until 2+

  • ALGA has worked with its member associations and Our Watch to develop a series of resources for councils to better coordinate national prevention activity in the local government sector. These resources – two webinars, an animation, 12 factsheets and a toolkit – can be downloaded below.

  • The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has used its 2022-23 Federal Pre-Budget Submission to outline a series of partnership opportunities that would help drive a strong and inclusive national recovery. ALGA President Linda Scott said Australia’s 537 local government have the capacity for growing partnerships with the Commonwealth Government – as well as state and+

  • The National General Assembly 2020 was cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, the Board of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) agreed to consider the 153 motions which were submitted by councils for debate. This occurred in late July. Most of the motions were forwarded to the relevant Federal Minister for their consideration and+

  • Local government councils have been told they can resume hosting in-person citizenship ceremonies if they meet strict health conditions. These include abiding by state and territory-defined allowable gathering sizes, ensuring all attendees keep a 1.5 metre distance from each other, and providing tissues, hand-washing facilities, and hand sanitiser. Councils will also have to develop a+

  • Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack and Local Government Minister Mark Coulton’s presence at today’s video-linked ALGA board forum emphasised what is shaping as a watershed moment for Australia. Amid moves to restart the economy – a process in which local government’s role will be pivotal – the Deputy Prime Minister emphasised the importance of improving+

  • The target for the average recycled content in all packaging will increase from 30 per cent to 50 per cent under a new strategic framework launched this week setting out how Australia will achieve the 2025 National Packaging Targets. “Out Packaging Future” the report underpinning the new framework was launched by the Australian Packaging Covenant+

  • On Wednesday 18th March, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced restrictions being put in place to address the spread of coronavirus in Australia. He stressed this is not a two-week solution it is most likely to be six months. “Life is changing in Australia, as it is changing all around the world. Life is going to+

  • In 2019 we had a tremendous response to our call for motions with 187 motions submitted. The 2019 motions were consolidated into a number of strategic motions, with a total of 121 motions included in the main debate section of the Business Papers. Below is a list of all the Resolutions and any responses we+

  • Six Layers of Intentional LeadershipDavid Pich, Chief Executive, Institute of Managers and Leaders

  • The Role of Local Government in Housing Australians in the 21st CenturyAndrew Beer, Dean of Research and Innovation, University of South Australia Why and how local government and the private sector should work together to increase affordable housingRobert Prandolin, Founding Board Member, Housing All Australians and Gary Spivak, Housing Development Officer, City of Port Phillip+

  • Lifesaving Communications During Natural DisastersEileen Deemal-Hall, CEO, Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council

  • How Digital News is Disrupting the Grassroots Media Landscape Genevieve Jacobs – Editor, Region Group Is There an Affordable Housing Crisis in Non-Metro Australia? Jessica Porter, PHD Scholar, Uni SA Our Region, Our RiversJohn McLinden, CEO Swan Hill City Council

  • One of ALGA’s election priorities is to foster indigenous well-being and prosperity. Key to this is closing the gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. Only modest progress has been achieved, with only one target met, and Indigenous Australians remain well behind on a range of indicators. Stable, safe and appropriate housing is fundamental to reaching+

  • The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator has commenced a process seeking consent to a new National Class 1 Agricultural Vehicle and Combination Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice. Councils should have received an email outlining the consent process along with an information pack. Due to this being a formal consent process, a 28 day period exits for+

  • Good afternoon, I hope you had a lovely weekend! As you know, for the past two weeks, I run an ALGA News survey to get your thoughts on how we could improve the newsletter to make it more interesting for you as well as other readers. (If you were able to complete the survey, thank+

  • The ALGA 2014-17 Strategic Plan identifies work on strengthening democratic process as a strategic priority. A strong and financially-sustainable local government sector is a critical component to Australia’s democratic system of government. Local government is the third level of government in the Australian Federation and is responsible for the governance of the local municipality and+

  •   Opportunity to discuss resilience at AFAC15 Over the past decade, governments have collaborated on reforming their approach to disaster management. The endorsement of the National Strategy for Disaster Resilience through COAG represented a fundamental shift in the way Australia thought about disaster management. Since the strategy was introduced, the Attorney-General’s Department has been tasked+

  •   FloodPlain Management Association National Conference Brisbane Convention & Exibition Centre 19 – 22 May 2015 The Floodplain Management Association Conference has been held annually for over 50 years and is the most respected floodplain industry event held in Australia. The 55th FMA Conference will again be a National Conference, this time being held in+

  •   IT VALUE FOR MONEY SCAN is a cost-effective and rapid approach used by leading local government agencies to improve transparency of their investments in IT and strengthen governance. It is based on common standardized measures of IT performance and delivers: greater objectivity through independent benchmarking, advanced IT capability assessment tailored to objectives and challenges+